Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Now, This Was One Of The Best Books Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Even though Bret Anthony Johnston wrote a book of short stories called "Corpus Christi," (which I now want to read) this is his first novel, and it is a fascinating one.

                                          The plot is deceptively simple.  Four years ago, 12-year-old Justin Campbell goes missing,  A search ensues, with no results. Things die down, the case goes cold, yet the family keeps hoping. That hope pays off when Justin, now 16, is found at a flea market, by a bystander.  But, while this is a happy outcome, Johnston is not so much interested in exploring happiness as the ambiguities and ambivalence such an outcome may present.

                                            Everyone eventually discovers not only who the perp is, but that Justin was close by all that time. Most--characters and readers--can imagine what Justin experienced, but did he?  And while everyone is happy to have Justin home, every one of his family--mother Laura,
father Eric, brother Griffin, even Eric's father-- question how happy is Justin to be back, how happy are they really to have him, and what kind of justice should be meted out to the perp.

                                              The perp gets his, I promise, but I cannot for the life of me tell you how it happened.  Johnston gives several different versions of what might have taken place--are any of them right?  What do you think girls???????????

                                                 The title seems to refer to the three key main figures in the book--Justin, who was kidnapped, his father Eric, who was aggrieved, and the perp, who at one point was a decent, ordinary individual, until impulses directed him down a dark path.  How they materialized is what I would like to have known.

                                                      "Remember Me Like This" is a fascinating read, as it takes a conventional story, and examines its elements unconventionally.  It makes my list as one of the  Best Of The Year!

                                                         Make sure you read it, girls!!!!!!!! And tell me what you think happened!

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