Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Oh, My God, Girls! How Could I Possibly Forget??????????????????

                                         Of course, there is one reason most everyone on here reads--to find out who the latest Bitch Of The Week is!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, why not???????  Of course; makes sense to me!!!!!!!!!!  So, naturally I have made Bitch Of The Year an annual posting, so here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The winners--for there are two--of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Year Award is--the Slenderman Girls, specifically, Morgan Geyser, and Anissa Weier, who were only 12, sometime back in June, when they attempted to murder a classmate, to impress a game character called Slenderman.

                                           The classmate, fortunately, survived.  But the girls, pictured below, don't have too bright a future--being tried as adults, they could be facing prison!!!!!!!!  I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             What is it with some girls?  I wish someone would explain it to me!  Meanwhile, this is the last bit of congratulations you will getting, Morgan and Anissa, you bitches; guess you won't be going to the prom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Congrats, demons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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