Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Last Book Read In 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I had hoped to round out the year, with what I am currently reading, or rereading, which is "Stoner," by John Williams, (no, darlings, not the film composer!!!!!!!!!!!) so "The Corn Maiden And Other Nightmares"ends the list, at number 53--which is practically a book a week!  My goal for next year is to up that, darlings!

                                     My copy of the book was incomplete, but the title story alone, a novella, really, is worth reading for its exploration of childhood bullying, and its dark twist, at the end.  The other stories confirm that horror is not just supernatural; it is what we perceive, and are frightened by. in the real world around us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    More Joyce next year!  Definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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