Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Mystery Of Victoriana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  No, really, darlings, this is a real mystery, and if any of you can help me with this, I would love to hear from you.

                                    Friday evening, as usual, my beloved and I were doing our food shopping. When we came home, there was a package  at the door step of our apartment.  It was from Amazon, and addressed to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I opened it, and inside were two books, both of which are of great interest to  me--A History Of Victorian England," and "How To Be A Victorian--A Book Of Victorian Etiquette."

                                     What a fabulous gift!  But, here's the thing, dolls--I have absolutely no idea who sent it!  I have asked several people whom I suspected may have, but they all said no, saying they would have included a card or note, identifying themselves.  But there was no such thing.

                                        My beloved things it might be one of the readers on this blog.  But I don't think my actual address is anywhere on here, so I would be surprised if it turned out to be such.

                                          Nevertheless, to whomever, thanks so much!   And if any of you out there know anything, or can offer suggestions on how I can find out, please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Or else Virginia was right--there really IS a Santa Claus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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