Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Saddest Losses Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Don't anyone start with me on Philip Seymour Hoffman!  He was talented, if overrated, and I am not crying over him!  So there!

                             Robin Williams' death, on August 11, of suicide, was an all too human tragedy that touched us in ways beyond most celebrity deaths.  Having myself lost someone to suicide, I get the pain.  And, yes, it was Williams' choice, just as Hoffman;'s was his, but Williams was trying to stave off pain, while Hoffman sought hedonistic pleasure.  Not to mention Williams was infinitely more gifted, humorous, and a cultural icon for nearly 40 years, ever since his first appearance as Mork from Ork!!!!!!!!!!!  The arts world lost a great talent, the sort that comes along, once in
a lifetime.

                                   Much the same could be said of Joan Rivers!  I loved Joan, and still do.  I bet she would have loved this blog!  And my heart goes out to Melissa and her son!   Joan was 81, but she had far many years left to her, which I know she would have spent working.  I guess God needed her now, to work that Great Lodge In The Sky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The legacies of these two will live on, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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