Friday, December 19, 2014

This Day Has Lots Of Meaning, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                With just six days to go till the Holidays, this is a very meaningful day in more ways than one, as this covers a wide emotional spectrum.

                                   Two birthdays dominate--one happy, one tragic.  Movie actor and gay icon Jake Gyllenhaal turns 34 today, and shouldn't we all look as good at Jake at this age.  With him coming to Broadway in that play, "Constellations," by Nick Payne, early in 2015, we can all get a good look at how good Jake looks, and we certainly do not want to miss that. But, alas, this day is also tinged with sadness, as today should have been the 23rd birthday of Tyler Clementi, who would be out in the world making his contribution to society.  A heartfelt prayer goes out to the Clementis, and all who evermore lament the tragic loss of this beautiful; young man.

                                       On a less tragic note--the Season Of My Birthday came to an end this morning, with Birthday Party Barbie going back into her spot in the closet, until November 18, in 2015.  It could be here, before we know it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And, for Theater Queens, let me remind you that 57 years ago tonight, at the Majestic Theatre on Broadway, "The Music Man" opened.  Imagine, hearing Robert Preston doing "Trouble" and "Seventy-Six Trombones," not to mention Barbara Cook rendering "Goodnight, My Someone," and "Till There Was You," for the first time!  Oh, my God!  Wouldn't you have liked to have been there?

                                         So, this day is chock full of meaning for me!  Just make sure to make it meaningful for you!

                                          Oh, and my voice is back!  So--"the song goes! And the kid, with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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