Sunday, December 14, 2014

Two Of The Most Despicable Jerseyans, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Do any of you girls remember Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson?  I was reminded of them the other evening, while watching an  old "Law And Order" episode called "Denial."  Brian and Amy were the suburban kids from Wyckoff, New Jersey.  Back in 1996, Amy got pregnant, and--don't ask me how--was able to conceal it from her parents the whole time.  When the time came, Brian and Amy took matters into their own hands,  delivering the baby themselves, on November 12, 1996, at a Comfort Inn, in Newark, Delaware.  This is bad enough, but then these two scumbags took things  further.

                             The gender of that baby, who would be 18 today, if alive--was male  The two claimed it was stillborn, so they just concealed it in a garbage bag, and dropped it into a dumpster at the Comfort Inn.
But there was found on the infant evidence of head trauma and Shaken Baby Syndrome.  Charges were brought against them, and both did jail time, with Amy, the bitch, who I am certain killed that child with her own hands, while Brian watched, serving six months more than Brian.  She served two-and-a-half years, he two.  She was judged to be the more responsible, which she was.

                             In the "Law And Order" episode, the couple is acquitted, so at least real life meted out justice.  But do you know  where these two are now?

                               Brian went on to college, got married, and went to live in that perfect state for criminals--Florida!  I hope his wife knows his history; but, if she does why would she be foolish enough to marry him?  He better not have children!

                                Amy is not married--I guess men know to steer clear of her--and lives with her parents, running some kind of greeting card business that includes--get this--birth announcements!!!!  Yeah, right!
Rich Mommy and Daddy take care of their spinster daughter till they drop, then she lives in the house for life!  It would all be so Jane Austen if it weren't for the fact she is a baby killer!

                                 Don't think I have forgotten Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei, who destroyed the life of Tyler Clementi and his family.  But at least Tyler made it past the umbilical stage.  He got a taste of Life.  This baby never made it out of that Comfort Inn.

                                   Besides the "Law And Order " episode, Brian and Amy's story was turned into a short story by T.C. Boyle.  I haven't read it, but plan to.

                                     Eighteen years or not, these two have not changed.  They would do it again in a minute!  They are unrepentant, and represent the worst of New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I'd like to see some of Amy's so-called birth announcements, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!


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