Thursday, January 22, 2015

'Freak Show's' Finale Freaked Us Out, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That damned Dandy Mott has been asking for it. Some wannabe Southern Queen--aren't they always the worst???--who thinks he can become a Broadway star.  They should have sent Dandy to the real horror of New York, where his vision of reality would crumble at the actual one show biz offers.

                             But that would have not been as satisfying as last night.  While nothing will ever top the head of Celia Weston as that bitch, Lillian Hemmings, floating in a jar of formaldehyde, watching Dandy drown in Houdini's tank, was a  close second,.  And the producers knew their gay audience, because there were plenty of shots of Finn Wittrock, as Dandy, he of the nice body, in his white briefs, as he drowns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Seldom has death been so delicious!  As the freaks who watched, said, "It's a hell of a show!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Of course, what preceded it made Dandy deserving. The wannabe owner of the show, which is now all about him, decides to eliminate the competition, by going around with a pistol, and killing all the freaks!  Flipper Boy, Amazon, everyone but Jimmy Darling, Desiree Dupree and the Tattler Twins--they ARE survivors, darlings!!!!!!!!!--are blown away before our eyes in a scene that was almost too graphic and emotionally upsetting to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Meanwhile, Jessica has her moments as Elsa. My favorite was her encounter with the Hollywood receptionist--a stand-in for Ida Koverman or Marcella Rabwin, perhaps?????--whom she confronts.  When the secretary says to her, "If you ask me, your act is stale--Marlene did it better," Elsa lashes out, and smacks this bitch across the face, which is, of course, my answer for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good for you, Elsa!!!!!!!!!!!  That thing will never eat lunch in that town again.

                               Elsa is befriended by Michael Beck (David Burtka, Neil Patrick Harris' partner) whom she marries, after he becomes her manager. The whole things turns out to be  a sham, because fame has its price. Michael is scum, Elsa is a star, but she is bored; she was happiest when she ran the freak show, though she did not know it. Do any of us ever, darlings???????  I think I do.  I know I am most happy now, with my beloved!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Things catch up to Elsa. The studio head informs her of the massacre at the freak show, that it has been discovered she made a snuff movie in Germany, which is how she lost her legs, and Hedda Hopper is going to make it all public. But Elsa stands her ground. She will not perform on Halloween, but then she changes her mind, and in a phantasmagoirc sequence, commits suicide to a David Bowie song, where she is welcomed in the next world, by all her friends--Ma Petite--so good to have her back!!!!--Ethel, and those who have gone before her. She will spend Eternity here, and we should all hope our Eternities are as fortunate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Meanwhile, what about those Tattler Twins?  What I want to know is--was that wedding to Dandy real, or just a hallucinogen, to get him into the Houdini tank????????  I think I am answering my own question, but Sarah Pauslon--both of her!--demonstrated that those Tattlers are shrewd cookies, who do not suffer fools gladly!!!!!!!!  To think they end up, happily, with Jimmy! And have a baby!  While Desiree ends up with Malcom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It was a brilliant evening and an end to  one of the best examples of TV I have seen in a long time!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Will Jessica come back?  I wonder, but I hope! There would be a gap without her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Poor MERYL!  Sitting there, watching Gracie playing Lizard Girl, getting murdered, and wondering where she went wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Farewell, 'Freak Show!' You will be loved, and missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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