Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy Birthday, David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Aside from it being the start of a new year, and the Feast Of The Circumcision--and I hope the Baby Jesus got better treatment than that baby speeding down  the hill in the back seat of a black limo, with all those rabbis, in that famous "Saturday Night Live!" sketch!!!!!--it is also the birthday of my beloved, David.

                           I will not reveal his age, except to say that we have come to a sort of circle, being he is the age now that I was, when we first met!  We have been blest, and may those blessings continue for years to come!

                            Later, we will celebrate at Chadwick's withe dinner, and a surprise gift.

                            What else can I say, except,
                                                                       "For all he does, and all he is,
                                                                        I'll always love him so!"
                              And that goes for Gojira, and Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Happy Birthday, David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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