Friday, January 30, 2015

Joel Grey Is Gay??????????????? Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Like, who the hell would believe it? Come on, Joel, honey, you have GOT to be kidding.

                                First of all, you are 82, so coming out at this age is a bit beyond the point. It would have been braver, if you had come out earlier. And, yes, I am criticizing you. Calling Neil Patrick Harris a hero, when he is an over inflated talent, whose sexuality I am not even sure of.  It wouldn't surprise me if he does women on the side.

                                  Which brings me to another thing, Joel. You were married for 24 years.  You produced two children; Jennifer, whose career has gone nowhere, and James, who is a chef. Now, he might be gay.  But you?  You had these children by doing "the nasty," so, as far as I am concerned, you are NOT gay. But, if you want to say you are, who am I to stop you?

                                       As for all the remarks you heard from your aunts growing up in Ohio, why didn't you have the courage to stand up to them?  And don't give me that "it was a different time" excuse.   I don't buy it.

                                        You want to say you are gay, Joel?  Who am I to stop you?  But, honestly, hon, do you really think you are going to score?  Even if you place an add in "Silver Daddies????????"

                                           What you ARE, Joel, dear, is a gay icon. Have been one for years, darling, ever since you did "Cabaret" on stage.

                                             But don't mistake a gay icon for a gay identity. The two often do not go together, and in your case, Joel, it's a no brainer.

                                              And, in gay terms, doll, you are what is known as a pushy bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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