Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Now, I Know Why I Don't Like Flo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       I have to admit I never warmed to Flo, the Progressive representative.  I know she wants to come off as warm and fuzzy, but when I saw that commercial of her with the two young guys, where she is lurking in the shadows, and  one says, "We can still see you," to which she says, "No, you can't," I knew I would never be endeared to her.

                       Not to say that I don't admire Stephanie Courtney, the actress who plays her.  She does a wonderful job, and I am happy for her, having found a career signature.  Who can forget what Madge, The Manicurist, did for Jan Miner, or Josephine, The Plumber, for Jane Withers?????????

                        So, bravo, Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!  But Flo?  Flo is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        There is this recent commercial, set in what looks like a locker room, where Flo comers on as the compassionate coach, confronting the callow young man, who has just made a misstep at Progressive. The scene goes fine; she even suggests they go for ice cream.  He perks up, and asks about sprinkles.  Suddenly, Flo's face changes, and, a little too admonishing, in my opinion, she says, "Sprinkles are for winners!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Fuck you!  Another non-empathic, capitalist bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, now I know--Flo is a big phony!!!!!!!!!!  Just like the company she represents.  Not that I was planning on doing business with Progressive anytime soon, but after this ad, you can count on me not going near it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And Stephanie, I would tell your writers to give your character more empathy.

                             Because Flo is not nearly as loved as Beatrice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm getting sick of Flo commercials and the ones on the radio are terrible! Now the pig I LOVE he can do no wrong.


  2. The pig is absolutely cute! Better than Flo!
