Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Oh, Come On, Now!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Another "Fatal Attraction" Type Film????????????????

                                         How many times can this be done?  What I object to most is the title takes one of Judy Garland's classic songs from "Meet Me In St. Louis," and uses it for a cheap jacko thriller where a male neighbor is so desperate for sex he becomes obsessed with Jennifer Lopez!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           One would have to be desperate at this stage to be obsessed with Jennifer Lopez, whose days as "Jenny From The Block" are long gone, and whose career was built on the width of her hips, and the size of her butt. Except for "The Cell," I have never seen a film in which she gave any kind of a performance.

                                              So, why this paint by numbers crap?  Will audiences be subjected to one of these, every couple of years???????????  The setting may change, but the dramatic trajectory is still the same. Hell, with ID's show "Obsession," you can watch variations on this every week.  For those who like that sort of thing.

                                               As for me, I will pass on this. The only Lopez I admire is Priscilla. Who has too much talent and taste to do crap like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Maybe it's time for you to return to the block and stay, Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I've been thinking the same thing since the posters went up in the subways for this cheesefest a few eeks back.

    Who in f**K would believe a pale pale Harvard-type white boy (who looks like the bastard child of Abercrombie, Fitch and J.Crew) would develop an obsession for over-the-hill, vapid, quasi-latina Jennifer Lopez (fast devolving into the La Lupe of our era)? Seriously? Are there no other higher-grade clueless housewives in this kids' neighborhood?

    Just listening to her toneless, dispassionate, desperate-not-to-sound-TOO-ghetto voice would dampen the ardour of the horniest teenaged boy. Ugh. No wonder Affleck dropped her like a hot potato: having her deadweight on his arm made him look leagues gayer than his awkward bromance with Matt Damon.

    The only worthwhile distaff "Fatal Attraction" is "Lady Beware" (which was in production before "Fatal" got off the ground, so technically not a knockoff). Its a little rough around the edges, but Diane Lane and Michael Woods put it over nicely, and it has a more genuine NYC vibe.

    It was panned as a ripoff of "Fatal Attraction" because it was released shortly after, but it would be more accurate to describe it as "Eyes Of Laura Mars" meets "Play Misty For Me" cross-pollinated by "Mannequin" (Kim Catrall, not Joan Crawford).


  2. I never heard of "Lady Beware." I will have to watch for it. I enjoy this type of trash, but with Jennifer Lopez involved, there are some things I just cannot stomach.
