Friday, January 9, 2015

Remember Scoopy, The Clown, Darlings??????????????????????????

                               Back in the Sixties, a certain brand of Ice Cream Cone Cups came with Scoopy's picture on it.  Around the same time--1965, to be exact, because it was the year of Disney's "The  Monkey's Uncle," which had my favorite lyric, "I wish I was the Monkey's Aunt!!!!!!!!"--the kids in the old neighborhood and I, in a style reminiscent of The Little Rascals, would have various clubs.  At one point, we cut off a picture of Scoopy from the box, placed it on the outside of the garage that stood in for the clubhouse, and formed what we called "The Scoopy Club!!!!!!!!!!"  It was so much fun, darlings!!!!!!!!!
Ah, those carefree days of innocence, when adolescence was just a dream we aspired to, which we all thought would go smoothly!!!!!!!!!  Take me back, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              We also started each song singing as much as we knew of the title song from "The Monkey's Uncle," which I know I saw in the theater, and which was always being advertised on TV, at the time!  Disney always knew how to promote its products!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, we would dance and sing to the song, or as much as we knew!  But, when we got to "I wish I was the Monkey's Aunt," we would go wild, scream, shout, shake our arms; sometimes an adult figure would come in to be sure we were not killing each other, or telling us to quiet down!

                                Who knew we were so forward thinking?????????  We were setting in motion--but did not know it-- a style, back then, that would become de riguer, years later, at Studio 54!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 We were on the forefront, then!  But the only Coke ingested was cola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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