Thursday, January 8, 2015

The First Bitch Of The Week Of 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Poor trust fund babies.  Can't get what they want, so they shoot their parents dead.

                                          That pretty much covers the story of Thomas H. Gilbert, Jr., who, you could say, is a real life male counterpart to Anne Gillette, played by Sarah Paulson, on "Law And Order SVU."

                                            Now, you want to talk about spoiled brats?   Some have even had the temerity to refer to me as one!!!!!!!!!!!  Me????????? Why, hons, the milk of human kindness just flows from my veins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Around 3;30 PM this past Sunday, Gilbert, Jr. entered his parent's Beekman Place apartment, and sent his mother out for a sandwich for him, so he could be alone for his father. Can you imagine?  Living on Beekman  Place, and ordering your mother to go out for a sandwich?  Why couldn't she just call, and have them deliver????????   I understand that goes on in that neighborhood all the time!

                                            So, the over-indulged 30-year-old, gets into a battle with his hedge fund founder father, Gilbert, Sr. and winds up shooting him in the head?


                                                Because Daddy, who was already subsidizing the rent of his son's ground floor apartment, on West 18th Street, which went for $2400 a month, was going to reduced his monthly spending allowance from $600 to $200!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Poor Baby!  How could he live on that???????  I guess he would have to get a job in a shop, and learn about Life, like Joan Crawford, as Crystal Allen, in "The Women!"
One bitch to another!

                                                     Children get into arguments with parents about allowance money all the time, almost from the time they receive one!  But not at 30!!!!!!!!!  And to kill over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       So, Thomas H. Gilbert, Jr, is just the PERFECT winner of the first
Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award for 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Congratulations, Tom!  Now, go to Jail!  And do NOT collect that $200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. True, though not all trust fund babies kill a parent. There were definitely some sociopathic tendencies there, and while the upbringing helped his entitlement sense, sociopathy is found in every economic strata!
