Thursday, January 29, 2015

This Bitch Is Not Only A Psychopath, He Is Walking The Streets, Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Darlings, I am telling you, it is simply amazing how many orange clad men and women turn up on this blog, Bitch Of The Week, or otherwise.  Too bad the orange does not, in these cases, represent some kind of fashion sense.

                                This week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Jon Benson, late of Scottsdale, Arizona.  Actually, he has been holding this title for almost thirty years. You see, Jon Benson is one scary guy.  He is the real life version of George Harvey in "The Lovely Bones." Just listen to this!

                                  Jon grew up in the affluent section of Scottsdale.  Average until puberty, he adopted a quirky, magician-like persona that made him popular with some of the kids. Especially as he had a sunken fort in his back yard, where he would invite kids to party--drink and drug in secret.

                                    Except that is not all he invited some boys for. He invited some for sexual gratification--his. Jon was a budding sexual predator.  One of the kids told Greg Holman, who lived in the neighborhood. Greg was a nice kid, in the ninth grade, and had a reputation for protecting and watching out for the more vulnerable kids in the neighborhood.

                                     Shortly after Greg was told what happened at Jon's, he was playing after school with those he hung out with.  Jon approached Greg, and invited him to his place to party. And that is the last anyone ever saw of Greg Holman.

                                       What is clear is that Jon killed Greg. What is unclear is why. Did Jon know he had been informed on, by Greg?  Did he have the hots for him?  Did Greg go, knowingly, intending to confront Jon?  This was never determined, and Greg's body and case went missing for decades. In  fact, when the remains were found, in what had been Jon's backyard fort, (the kid whom Greg protected, now an adult, finally came forward) both the head and hands were missing--and have never been found.

                                          His guilt was unquestionable. But because the crime had been committed when he was 15, on October 24, 1978, Benson, now an adult, was sentenced as a minor.  Now, there is a conviction for having lured a young boy from a park in 2006 for sexual reasons, but, still, as of October 8, 2014, Jon Benson is walking among us.

                                           If you see this bitch anywhere near you, girls, don't just shun him. Report the sighting to the police, and drive him out.

                                           Don't wait for an icicle to mete out justice, like with George Harvey!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He should have had a bullet to the head.

  2. I just saw the TV docu on ID re: the murder case. When they said at the end of the show that he was charged as a minor I wanted to puke. The thing that ran through my head when I heard how much time he got was, he's going to get out and resume being a sexual predator, which I have to assume he's been doing all these years. He needs to be put in general population at the prison and let them teach him a thing or two. What a creep. He should not be on the street. I KNOW he'
    s still offending. I hope they catch him doing something (not that I want him too but you know he is) and put him away for a long time!

    1. Maybe it will be this sick FOOK that gets wot hes been doing all his life 2 others


  3. I know how you feel. I do not want any more victims, but to get him off the streets permanently, it will take something like that to do so. I hope whomever in question survives.
    Catching him in the act would be the best. And, yes, just because he is free does not mean he has stopped being a predator. Those impulses do not just go away.

  4. I am in awe that this evil scumbag piece of trash is a free man.
    I just watched the show on ID regarding this case and like Arkansas-Beth said, when they said at the end that he was free, it made me sick. There is no justice for Greg Holman! This is disgraceful. I can only hope and pray that someone gets him. He doesn't deserve to breathe.

  5. I am in awe that this evil scumbag piece of trash is a free man.
    I just watched the show on ID regarding this case and like Arkansas-Beth said, when they said at the end that he was free, it made me sick. There is no justice for Greg Holman! This is disgraceful. I can only hope and pray that someone gets him. He doesn't deserve to breathe.

  6. Apparament ils était considéré comme un garçon étrange et timide apparament les élèves prenez plaisir ah se moquer de lui


  7. Loic poli,

    I agree bullying contributed to this
    guy being a serial killer. But not all
    kids who get bullied become such. I am
    an example of that. I was bullied by both
    students and teachers, and I am full of
    compassion and empathy.

    1. J'avais entendu cette histoire dans l'émission chronique criminelles mai comme tu dit tout le monde ne devient pas comme ca


  8. Darling,
    Parce que le pique up ne marche pas!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. He was tried as a child but he knew exactly what he did was wrong Disgusting I feel so sorry for all his family and friends that are still here

  10. Jackie Rogers,
    Under the circumstances, he should have been tried as an adult.
    It is a crime he walks the streets today. I feel eventually he
    will slip up. Thank you for your comment.

  11. Dalewattts666,
    I certainly hope you are right!
