Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Does One Do, When Having A Cold In The Nose????????? Turn To Betty Boop, Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, I am telling you, since Sunday, I have been struggling with a head cold, congestion, coughing--the annual post holiday shoe drop!  It started with a post nasal drip, which, for me, always signals trouble, and when the coughing began, I prayed it would not go deep into my respiratory system, because, once there, it takes forever to get rid of it. But this congested head has me drained of energy, so that I have been on auto pilot for the past several days, and hard pressed to write about anything.  But, rest assured, darlings, with tonight the finale of "American Horror Story--Freak Show," I will have plenty to dish with you about tomorrow.  I can't wait.

                            In my congested state, I thought of Betty Boop. One of my favorite cartoons had her singing a song called "I've Got A Cold In My Nose."  Whenever I am stricken, I think of Betty and the song.

                            Better yet, here is Betty to sing and commiserate with those of us who are suffering. So, remember, tea and "American Horror Story" tonight, and listen to Betty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              She and Pudgy knew the score, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. if you sneezed in Spanish class the nun would always ask, "do you have a cold in your nose?" now I know where she got it from!


  2. Every time I am hit with one, the song goes through my head--in Betty Boop's voice, of course!!!!!!!!!!
