Monday, February 16, 2015

David Cassidy, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe It??????????????????????????

                                               "I woke up in love, this morning!
                                                I woke up in love, this morning!
                                                Went to sleep with you, on my mind!"
                                                  __David Cassidy as Keith Partridge, on
                                                 "The Partridge Family"

                                        Darlings, you wouldn't do that now, with him looking the way he does!  But David Cassidy has more problems than his faded youth!  On February 11, he filed for bankruptcy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Who among us has not faced money issues, at one time or another.  Let he who has never known debt cast the first plastic card!!!!!!!!!!  But, David, hon, what did you do????????????

                                             It is tough enough, being 64, and no longer a heartthrob, or approaching one for the nursing home set!  But, my God--$292, 958.00 owed to Wells Fargo, $21, 952.00 owed to American Express, and $17, 150.00, in debt to Citi--in total, that makes a whopping $332, 060.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even at my worst, I was never that bad!!!!!!!!!!  Not even close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Of course my income was always substantially less than David's.  I always thought those with his income would never get into this situation, so I guess I was wrong!   He should have had MERYL doing his books!  Four children, a husband, Vassar, don't see her in this boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               David, David, how could you!  Let this be a warning to us, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Anyone of us could get in this situation.  But don't opt for suicide!  If David can file for bankruptcy, why can't the rest of us??????????

                                                So, keep those records, darlings!  And I don't mean LP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. don't forget his DUI and rehab!! he's got problems that is for sure.


  2. I forgot to mention those; yes, he does have problems. What went wrong? He went further career wise than Shaun and Patrick and they are OK! I think!
