Saturday, February 21, 2015

Hey, How About That Joan Ramsey?????????????????????????

                               I know, I know, girls, it just seems there is no end of things to discuss around "American Horror Story--Coven."  I want to talk today about Joan Ramsey, played superbly by Patti Lu Pone, who is some piece of work.

                                 Patti, in real life, made the observation that this character she plays is the most despicable since the mother in "Carrie."  I beg to differ. The Mother-From-Hell I think she most resembles is Hattie Dorsett, real life mother of Sybil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I mean, giving her grown son an Ajax enema?????????  And he allows it, does not put up a fight?  I would imagine putting chemicals into your rectal/intestinal tract would kill you, but it doesn't.  Instead, Joan smothers him with a pillow, when he confronts her with the knowledge that he knows she murdered his dad.  You see, his dad was going to walk out on Joan with a woman from her book club, (How about that????????) and Joan just wasn't going to stand for it. So, knowing her husband was deathly allergic to bees, she planted one in the car while he went out driving alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Luke, her son, was going to tell the truth. Obviously, preserving her image of a Right Wing Bible Thumper was more important than her son.  Joan is the worst kind of evil--that which masquerades as good.  The only ones who think they are good are themselves!.

                                    But kudos to Patti for playing Joan! I just loved the scene, where Nan forced her to drink the bleach!  You could just tell Patti was having the time of her life, in this role!!!!!!!!!!

                                     There is only one cure for the Joan Ramseys of this world--incarceration!

                                       Just like that other church bitch, Charlotte Bayes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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