Saturday, February 14, 2015

Thank You, Priscilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         When you hear what was going on, yesterday, darlings, you will forgive me--as I realize I did--for bypassing yesterday being Friday The 13th, with the perennial picture of, and reference to, the great Betsy Palmer, in her signature role of Mrs. Voorhees.

                                            There.  I hope that satisfies some.  But, yesterday, I had so much to do.

                                             You see, one of my beloved coworkers was leaving, to go on to Life, and I wanted to do something to honor her.  We both have that Musical Theater Connection, so I gave her a list of 13 songs I thought I could pull off well.  When I composed the list, I have to confess, I first thought the party was in the morning, so, for voice's sake, there were songs I purposely did not put on the list, like "Frank Mills," and "At The Ballet!"  I mean, Maggie's Crescendo!  I have done it, but there is just no guarantee.

                                              I chose songs that were comfortable for my middle range.  I gave them to my coworker over a week before the party, and gave her some time to choose one, asking for a week, so I could work on the number.  She chose "Nothing," from "A Chorus Line," which I felt I could do, as it fit my range, and I have a lot I can draw from, to pull it off.  I had my own Mr. Karp!  Four , to be exact!  And none of them had to do, with acting!

                                           From that point, what began as a party lark, became hard work!  That's what performing is, darlings!  Though I felt I knew the lyrics backwards and forwards, I studied them carefully, as I did not want to go up.  The melody I had in my head, because, as I was doing this a cappella, I had to have the music inside my head, hearing it, as I did it.  Then, there was the matter of the voice, because let me tell you something about Murphy's Law and show business--if you have a performance coming up, and it is dependent on your voice holding out, count on that to be the time, what, with pressure building and resistance wearing thin, for something to go wrong.  So, darlings, I took care of my voice.  I bundled up,
slept with a vaporizer, the whole magilla.  And it paid off, because my voice held out!

                                          No, I did NOT wear the costume.  That belongs only to Priscilla,or those    actually doing Diana Morales in the show.  And I did not go down on my knees all the way, during church, not because I did not know I was supposed to, but because, at my age, whenever I would rehearse it, my left leg, or part of it, would cramp up.  I couldn't ruin the number, by not being  able to get up again!  Besides, when I looked at footage of Priscilla, years later, doing it, in concert, which was kind of the way I was doing it, I noticed she did not do it.  So, I felt Priscilla might approve.

                                          I was gratified everything turned out so well.  My coworker loved it, and those who saw it were noticeably impressed, which I was glad to hear, because my nerves were going.  But my vocal control held.  Two of the best compliments I had were from women who had been in the Original Casts of two of my favorite shows--"West Side Story (yes!!!!!!!!!) and "Merrily We Roll Along!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                           So, I want to thank, on here, Priscilla Lopez, for the inspiration and guidance she spiritually gave me, to get through this.  As I told many, I got in touch with my Inner Priscilla!!!!!!!!!
It didn't fail me!

                                              "Nothing" turned out to be the something I had hoped for!  Thanks again, Priscilla!!!!!!!!!

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