Saturday, February 28, 2015

This Is One Of My Favorite Images In "Gone With The Wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         I certainly can't say it's my favorite; that would, indisputably be Vivien Leigh against the sunrise, doing Scarlett's "As God is my witness...." speech.

                          But this shot I always found breathtaking, and its use brilliantly illuminated the emotion of the moment, which is of Melanie running eagerly toward a war ravaged, but returning, Ashley.  Combined with Max Steiner's score , and the work of Olivia De Havilland as Melanie, (and she does ALL the work here; Leslie Howard does little more than react, but he IS supposed to be war ravaged) this shot, which is little more than a matte painting, is one of the emotional highs of the film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It was brilliant of Victor Fleming, the director, Ernest Haller, the cinematographer, and Hal C. Kern, the editor, to use it.  It shows thought, and an aiming for quality, that is long gone.

                          I just love it, and I wanted to share it with you.  Next time you watch "Gone With The Wind," take note of this shot. Without it, the moment would not be as emotionally sweeping.

                          Now, let us see it on the screen!!!!!!!!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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