Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why I Love Violet Weston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               "Why are you screaming at us?"
                                                  --Barbara Weston, "August:Osage County"

                                               "We worked too hard, and rose too high!....
                                             Women don't get more beautiful with age, they
                                              get ugly.  It isn't a matter of opinion, Karen,
                                               because you're only starting to prove it,
                                             yourself."--Violet Weston, "August"Osage County"

                                    I must have been feeling like a real bitch, yesterday, girls, but I felt myself channeling Violet Weston.  Now, I make no secret of the fact that I LOVE Violet, and relate to her, because she says exactly what she pleases, at all times.  Kind of like what I would like to do, pointedly, to some of my relatives and coworkers.  You know, specifically, the idiotic and incompetent ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Makes my head spin, the things I would say, and the swiftness and derision I would say it to each one of them, looking them right in the face, without batting an eye!  Which is how Violet would do it, and which is why she is a role model.  Fuck propriety!!!!!!!!!  Fuck professionalism, which is not really professionalism  at all in this country, but passing for acting like a dumb idiot, and up with truth telling!!!!!!!!!!!!  Blanche Du Bois believed as strongly in the truth, as Violet Weston!!!!!!!!!!  They were just different versions of the truth.

                                      Blanche's was about self-protection!!!!!!!!  Well, I am no moth, like Blanche, I am honest, which is why I gravitate to Violet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And good for her, with the pills!!!!!!!!!!!!  I heartily endorse them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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