Thursday, March 12, 2015

Career Transition, Girls???????? To Think When This Song First Came Out, I Considered This As An Alternative Life Style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           "I was born in the wagon of a travelling show.
                                             My Mama had to dance for the money they'd
                                             Papa would do whatever he could.
                                             Preach a little gospel.
                                             And sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good.

                                              Gypsies, Tramps, And Thieves,
                                               We'd hear it from the people of the town,
                                                   they'd call us,
                                                 Gypsies, Tramps And Thieves!
                                                 But every night, all the men would come
                                                  And lay their money down.
                                                  --"Gypsies, Tramps And Thieves," Cher

                         When Cher first released this song, back in 1971--my God, has it really been 44 years?--I was still in high school, that fork of the road time.  As soon as I heard this song, I wished I had been born in the wagon of a travelling show, and I wanted to be a gypsy dancer, who would dance for the money men would throw.  On some level, I still do,, though my Terpsichore, at this point, would leave much to be desired.

                            I was listening to this song the other day, and the memories and yearnings came flooding back.  I am considering going out and looking for a tambourine.  Though, while it's Cher singing, the glamour image I always pictured for myself was that of Nina Foch, as Celeste, in "Cry Of The Werewolf."  Which is a film hard to find today, and which I wish I could see again!

                              As for travelling I don't do so without a bathroom, shower, and all necessary amenities.  I have to beautify, before going in front of a crystal ball, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And what ever became of that boy who was picked up, just south of Mobile?

                               But, here it is, darlings, "Gypsies, Tramps And Thieves!"  Enjoy!

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