Thursday, March 12, 2015

Darlings, If You Are Gay, Take The Day Off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This, indeed should be a National Holiday For Gays!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is Liza Minnelli's birthday, and she is 69!!!!!!!!!  If Liza looks a little different here, that is because that is actually Christine Pedi, who, I keep saying, is more Liza today than Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                She may no longer be able to "Ring Them Bells," or stand on the chair, to sing Bye, Bye Mein Lieber Herr," but she still just fabulous, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!   Even if she is just standing stage center, waving her arms, and wailing, which is what her act has pretty much become, now.

                                 So, girls, if you can't take the day off, have a piece of cake, put on the Carnegie hall album; in other words, do something that honors Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  We love her so much!  Let's go have a cigarette with her, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

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