Sunday, March 15, 2015

Girls, Can You Beleive It Is Already The Ides Of March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This day has such cultural associations, darlings, and it generally gets a bad rap!  Yes, it is the Ides Of March, and yes, there is that whole Julius Caesar thing, but Theater Queens,  know better, and certainly know how to put a positive spin on things, especially with their Original Cast Albums.

                                Do you know what show opened on this day?  Not just ANY show; with "A Chorus Line,: probably one of the two most important musical shows of the Twentieth Century.

                                  Are you ready? Here is the answer!

                                   That is right, darlings!  "My Fair Lady " opened 58 years ago this very day, and made theater history, at the Mark Hellinger, when it was actually still a theater!  Alas, what the world has come to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, let's stop making the Ides Of March such a negative day, darlings!  Listen to the perfection of one of the greatest musical overtures written, knowing full well that  the producers decided to open on this day, to go against those negative connotations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     You do the same, girls!!!!!!!!  Happy March 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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