Sunday, March 15, 2015

Girls, Who Knew????????? Liza Minnelli and Larry King Did Their Best To Save The Theater District's Beloved Cafe Edison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Actually, darlings, that is Christine Pedi, as Liza, who, as I keep saying seems, these days to be more Liza than Liza herself!  With her is Michael West, as Larry King, who is probably better than King himself, so it is good Larry himself did not step in for this!

                              The Cafe Edison is gone.  But what it was will linger in our hearts and minds, and what you will see here, girls, will help cement that!  And how about Jackie Hoffman as the waitress???????????????

                               Really, if I had known about this, and gotten it out earlier, I think the Cafe Edison would still be here!

                                Who knows?  Maybe this will help bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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