Saturday, March 28, 2015

Happy Birthday, Lady Gaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           "Oh, Lady Gaga, I love you; you're simply fabulous,
                                               you really are,,,,what is this?...OW!!!!!!!!!!!!"
                                            --Christine Pedi, as Liza Minnelli in "Shit Liza
                                                  Minnelli Says"

                                    Yes, darlings, today Lady Gaga turns 29.  Which is kind of hard to believe, because she has had so much media exposure, it seems she has been around longer than she has.
And don't forget, darlings, she is a graduate of The Convent Of The Sacred Heart, where all GOOD girls, go!!!!!!!!  Me, I wouldn't have made it through the front door!!!!!!!!!!!  And to think of all this, right on the day before Palm Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I must confess to being a little miffed, darlings!  Lady Gaga's birthday, and I don't get invited to the party?????????  Don't these people know who I am????????  The Raving Queen??????????  Don't they know what this means, in this town??????????????

                                     In any case, I will have my own Lady Gaga birthday party, and I urge you to do the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And, just to keep in the right spirit, here is Lady G doing the classic "Born This Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Wonder what kind of birthday cake she would have?  Will Anna be there?


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