Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lion, Or Lamb??????????? It's Anybody's Guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Well, girls, we are into the month of March, but I don't feel as excited about it, as I normally do.  First, there is another snow storm coming this way, going in tomorrow, Monday, the start of the work week, and this seems to have  been a constant, this entire Winter.  Will it ever end?

                             March used to be more exciting.  The promise of Spring, which , right now, looks doubtful still.   The Academy Awards used to be broadcast in March, which made for more excitement, and the shows were more exciting, as were the movies themselves, in the past.  And, for a period of time, "The Wizard Of Oz" was annually broadcast in March.

                               But now?  We just sit, wait, and hope.  The end is now definitely in sight, having gotten through the year's two most difficult months.

                                 What will March bring?  No birthdays this month.  We are seeing "On The Twentieth Century" next Sunday, so that will be exciting.  Pete the Pigeon is back.  There is St. Joseph's day, which is when swallows return to Capistrano, and I go for my diabetes appointment, on March 19.  And, of course, the 21st ifs the official start of Spring, when Proserpina comes back from Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But the wait seems longer and longer each year, doesn't it , girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I wish you all a warm and happy March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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