Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Oh, Those Two Crazy Cut-Ups, Karen And Carlito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I have to hand it to "Obsession--Dark Desires."  Every season, now, they have come up with one episode that is the highlight of the entire season.  Last year, it was the one about Amy, the closeted lesbian, and her fat, lesbian neighbor, who was so beyond beans n' franks it was disgusting, and who screamed, howled, piled up boxes,  and did everything to make Amy's life miserable.

                              What I don't get about both Amy and Karen is why are they such masochists? Why keep going back for more, when action should have been taken long before it came to blows?

                                 Poor Karen.  A nice girl in a Brooklyn neighborhood. Not mine, I hope.  A single mother, though you never saw hide nor hair of the kids.  Perhaps Karen palmed them off someplace safe, when things got too much with Carlito.

                                   He was some dangerous character.  The wounded bird who just wants to be friends.  Hes starts out with Kalen, you want to be my flend,?" which escalates to wanting to have coffee, culminating in "Kalen, I kill you!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Even when she resorts to staying with friends, this sicko poses as a janitor, and spills lighter fluid through the doorway, setting the building on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I don't know who the actor is who played Carlito, the harassing Philippine immigrant, but he did a fabulous job.  This guy is going places: I can see him as Ito in a stage revival of "Auntie Mame," or its musical equivalent, "Mame."

                                      Clearly, that is what Carlito should have done. He should have channeled his ethnic energies into community theater.  There is also "Flower Drum Song" and "Miss Saigon!"

                                        Instead, he comes at Karen with a bayonet, that how he got through customs I will never know. And if he bought it here, why????????

                                         The scary thing is this guy is still walking around.  When Carlito was charged, his brother in Pennsylvania put up the $100K on his house to post bail.  And he was never deported, though he is not a citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Let's hope Karen has moved on, and that we do not run into Carlito!!!!!!!!!

                                           Be careful who you take your fortune cookies from, darlings!

                                           And what is Carlito doing, anyhow, drinking coffee??????  It should be tea!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well I'm Filipino and want to know the actor as well. As far as accents go, my dad could do a better job lol. They keep forgetting to mix their f's with their p's like Filipinos always do lol


  2. As Bette Davis would say,
    "Honey child, you have a point!"
    I could not agree more. But keep
    in mind, none of the ID actos are of the quality of Meryl Streep!
    Or will become such! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am also Filipino and we drink coffee more than tea. Chinese are more of the tea drinkers and substitute their Rs with Ls. Bothered that he only got 5 yrs after all that he's done.


  4. Well, I am a big coffee
    drinker myself. Tea
    never did it for me. I
    have coffee beside me right

    He should have gotten more
    than 5 years. What he
    put her through was deserving
    of more prison time.

  5. I agree that was a TERRIBLE Filipino accent.

  6. Indigo-child24,
    Agreed! OMG, was it ever!
