Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cheer Up, Bruce!!!!!!!!!!!! Things Could Be Worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Just cannot get off the subject of Bruce Jenner!  Bruce, I know you are no glamour puss, but, hell, at least you don't look like Colleen Gray, at the climax of "The Leech Woman."  I mean, she aged sixty years in sixty seconds.  An old hag of 85!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Which, back in 1959, was an old hag! Today, not so much; maybe a good face lift could do the trick.  But, Bruce, you don't look nearly this bad, or anguished.  I mean, Colleen/June barters her husband for youth, but the price is that it is limited, and you have to stab a man in the pineal gland and secrete fluid (with a secret ring!!!!!!!!!) to get that youthful glow.  She got so caught up with jealousy that she knocked off Sally (Gloria Talbot), that borderline slut, who she felt was first two timing her with her husband, Paul, and now Colleen/June wants Sally's fiance, Neil, as revenge for her husband, so she kills Sally, and extracts her gland. But the fluid does not work; only male secretions create youth, while those of women create age!!!!!!!!!!  You can see the results!!!!!!!!! Bruce Jenner is nowhere near this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            However, don't count on looking as good as Kim Hamilton as Young Malla!!!!!!!!!  Though Estelle Hemsely steals the show, as Old Malla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Cheer up, Bruce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And when it comes to rings, still to a gold engagement one, or Green Lantern's!!!!!!!!!!!!

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