Thursday, April 16, 2015

Congratulations, Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This is just some celebratory week, girls, what with Saint Bernadette, "A Chorus Line," Jodi Arias....wait a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!  Did I just say Jodi Arias????? That's right, everyone, I want to congratulate Jodi--whom I just LOVE, darlings!!!!!!!!--for beating the death penalty rap and getting Life Without Parole!

                           Poor Jodi!  So misunderstood!  Good girl, with all the bad breaks!!!!!!!!  That Travis Alexander was some sexist, hypocritical pussy hound, who wanted Jodi for only one thing, when she was ready to give up everything!  No wonder she developed such severe equilibrium problems she slipped numerous times in that shower, with that knife!  But, she is not a cold blooded killer!  Oh, no!
Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly!!!!!!!!!!

                             I see people in this town (NYC) every day, walking the street, who are much more dangerous than Jodi!  That is why I am so happy Jodi got Life. Now, she will paint from prison, write books, become an icon, and maybe all us fans can visit and have tea with Jodi!!!!!!!!!  There would be a lot to learn, wouldn't there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, a belated, but heartfelt, congratulations to Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And, girls, don't tolerate crap from your boyfriends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hope you are not serious! While I agree Travis wasn't totally innocent there is NO WAY he deserved all of what he got.
    My wish is that Jodi crosses the wrong person in prison and gets herself killed but I know that is a dream... she will outlive all of us.


  2. You're right on one count...Jodi will probably outlive all of us! I do not condone murder, but I couldn't stand the way the media made out Jdi to be this monster while painting Travis as a saint!

    It was a crime of passion. Let's say, for argument sake, that Jodi got released. I don't think she would kill again, and eventually she would fade into obscurity.

    But LWOP is better than the death penalty!
