Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's Already Being Called "Doctor Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhivago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          The musical adaptation of "Doctor Zhivago" opened last night, at the Broadway Theatre,  and seems to have justified all low expectations. The biggest shock, as far as I am concerned, is that Lucy Simon, Carly's sister, and composer of the brilliant score for that great musical, "The Secret Garden," years back, is the composer  of this show.

                            Let us hope this turkey is chopped up and dismembered, before too many people fall victim to seeing it.  It could lead to illness, becoming the West Nile Virus of Musical Theater.  At least, I pray, it exits quickly, so my beloved can not get tickets to this clunker, which would be a bigger waste than "Spider-Man--Turn Off The Dark."  At least, there, you had the pleasure of watching Julie Taymor's--that bitch!--career go down the tubes, and it was a form of Snuff Theater--who would get killed or injured, every night?  That I do not  advocate this as an art form!  But that show was entertaining in ways "Doctor Zhivago" could not possibly be--akin to watching the proverbial train wreck.

                            I mean, does the Klaus Kinski ("I am the only free man on this train!") character  get a musical number???????  He should; I just provided the title!!!!!!!!!   Hell, I might have been interested in playing him!

                             May this show vanish painlessly.

                             Meanwhile, why not a musical of "Black Narcissus?"  I am just PERFECT as Sister Ruth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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