Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Just Think, Girls--April Fools, And Spy Wednesday, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       It seems like we are getting slammed all in one week--Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Passover, Holy Saturday, then Easter.  And on that day, of course, the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         I always wondered what one was supposed to do on Spy Wednesday.  This is not an excuse day for pervy voyeurs to spy on objects of their obsession.  In fact,  maybe the object here is not to spy on anyone, for the ones that did, it seems to me, were Jesus' detractors, and I am certainly not one of those!  And neither are my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I think the best way to approach the day is to go about it as regularly as possible. Don't spy on anybody, and if you catch someone spying on you, give them what for!!!!!!!!!!

                           After all, Bill Cosby was put on the map, via "I Spy," and look what has happened to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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