Friday, April 17, 2015

Something Is Definitely Wrong With Little Debbie!!!!!!!!!!! But Is She A Lesbo, A Tranny, Or What?????????????????

                        I have been questioning the sexuality of Little Debbie, of snack cake fame, for a long time; I even did a posting, a year or so back, asking whether or not she is a lesbian. As I said, then, she sort of resembles the game piece "Butch," from my edition of "Go To The Head Of The Class," that classic board game from Milton Bradley!  Which made me wonder just how butch Little Debbie is.

                         Now that Will Ferrell is impersonating her, the question is brought out into the open. So, is she a lesbian, a man masquerading as a woman, or vice versa?  Who can tell?  Especially with Will, here!!!!!!!!!!!  One thing for sure--Little Debbie does need a copy of "The Well Of Loneliness," by Radclyffe Hall, and she should read it, as living in her sugar coated world has limited her outlook on life.  Hall's book will give her a fresh perspective.  Then maybe the ingredients in her snack cakes won't kill so many people!

                          I can't decide what Little Debbie is, except that she needs a clinical evaluation.   Why don't you look at the video, girls, and tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What a bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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