Sunday, April 19, 2015

Staten Island Is Full Of Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I mean, really!  The whole thing is built on it, which says something symbolic about the place!

                            We spent yesterday on a joy ride, with Auntie Alvin, through Staten Island, and it raised so many questions for me.  Like, people actually LIVE here?  Why?  What does it have to offer, beside fast food joints, and strip malls?  Of course, that could be said about some parts of Long Island and New Jersey, but on Staten you are isolated by water from the rest of New York City, which is another kind of imprisonment!

                          And the people!  Oh, my God!  White and low class Euro Trash, doing nothing but driving cars and shopping.  At the K-Mart level of sophistication, for God's sake!

                            Even the Barnes and Noble we went to!  Would you believe I walked out of there empty handed????  When was the last time, darlings, you heard, on here, about me walking out of a book store empty handed???????????  Not a classic on the shelves!!!!!!!!!!  Dickens?  It was like he was never heard of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I was hoping to find Sara Gruen's follow up to "Water For Elephants," entitled "Ape House," because I want to read that, before reading her latest, "At Water's Edge."  But did you think I could find it????  Of course not!  Apparently, the concept of inventory isn't grasped on Staten Island!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I was so relieved when we got back to civilization in Brooklyn!  What a way to mark Hayley Mills' birthday!  Staten Island is one big dump!

                               Who knew, when Bette Davis said the classic line, "What a dump!" in the 1949 melodrama, "Beyond The Forest," that she was being prophetic????  She was talking about Staten Island!!!!!!!!!!!!

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