Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Who, Or What, The Hell, Is Jason Cordero?????????????

                        Girls, I am telling you, the area square adjoining the IRT and BMT trains at Times Square, should be the subject of a documentary about street performers, who are there almost every hour I pass through there. At least once or twice a week, there is this--I don't know what to call it, man child, dwarf, midget--thing named Jason Cordero, who goes about playing his piano with the skill of a prodigy, and the innocence of a child.  Only I am not sure how much, if any, of a child he is.

                          I understand he has been on "America's Got Talent," which is more than can be said for myself.  But, then, if he was performing as a youth, how did he qualify??????  Has any doctor checked his pituitary and thyroid glands?????????

                           He is talented enough, but he is just such a...............THING, I honestly don't know what  to make of him!  And I don't think Jason cares.  I stare, people stare, he just keeps blithely playing away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           You know what they say about getting to Carnegie Hall, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Let's see if it pays off for Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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