Friday, May 22, 2015

A Switch To The Less Culturally Elite, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Poor Dominique Dunne.  Once a promising actress, she was murdered by a psycho ex-boyfriend, before she had a chance to hit her prime!  As if that were not bad enough, now some filmmakers have come along to redo one of Dominique's signature films, "Poltergeist," made originally in 1982.  Now, I have not seen it yet, girls, but I promise I will, because how can this film compare to the version made a generation earlier, with a now perfect cast, right down to tiny Zelda Rubinstein???????????

                             But back to Dominique!  My favorite moment, in the entire movie, pictured here, is when she, as the teenage daughter, arrives at the possessed house, gets out of a car, and hysterically screams,"Whaaaaaaaaat's haaaaaaaaaapening???????"  You can bet, darlings, that that Summer, her statement became a mantra, one that I still dig out, every now and then, myself!!!!!!!!!!  The main reason--possibly the only one--I have for seeing this remake is to see whether this moment will be duplicated, or simply omitted???????  On one hand, no one did it better than Dominique!!!!!!!!  But, on the other, how could this classic moment not be included?????????  And what actress will have the honor of doing it???????  Will she have the promise of Dominique????????  I doubt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Rest assured, girls, I will give you a full report, when I see the film, sometime this weekend!!!!!!!  But the crust, to remake it, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Is nothing sacred????????????

                                So much for falling off the cultural abyss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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