Monday, May 4, 2015

How Does One Recover From A Centennial Birthday Party??????????????

I am writing this from home, girls, because I just HAD to take today off!!!!!!!!!

How long has it been since I had a wild weekend?  Ages!!!!!!!  And there was a lot going on this week, what with "Valley Of The Dolls," that bi-annual perennial, being shown Thursday night, at Chelsea Classics, with Hedda Lettuce!  Anyone who has been with me on here, long enough, knows most of the classic lines, because you have already heard them on here!

Then, Friday night, May 1, was the Night Of the Thousand Stevies.  That would be Stevie Nicks, of course, and it was held in some hotel in town, where  everyone dresses as Stevie, in the era of their choice, and, with Stevie usually there,  I can almost guarantee a hand held, group rendition of "Rhiannon!!!!!!!!!!"  So, things were wild enough here!

Who thought they could get any wilder, in Pennsylvania, said by Sally Eaton (the original Jeannie in the musical "HAIR") to be the "conformist capital of the U.S.;" she was from Warren. PA!  No, darlings, there was no social activism where I was, only social activity.  On the afternoon of May 2, at the enchanting and romantic William Penn Inn, my father's Centennial birthday party was held.  Hell, he had already been 100 years old for two days--his actual birthday was April 30--but for him, it was nothing!

For those of us who attended--over three dozen--it was a chance to dish and reminisce, not only about my father , but our shared mutual pasts.  This was a birthday party and family reunion combined, and some of us had not seen each other in at least a decade.  In some cases, several decades!!!!!!!!!!

I had the first glass of wine I had had in months!  Let me tell you, I needed it, darlings!  I was hoping the Virgin Mary would walk in, but then, we did get the Papal Blessing!   And it was too bad ANNA and MERYL could not make it!  But for those who did, it was an experience!  The colors were ravishing, the fashions stunning, the food luscious, and the children enchanting!  It was definitely the party of the year, put together both by my sister and myself!  Which is why I am at home recovering!

To my faithful readers, I wish you could have been there!  To those who were--THANKS FOR COMING, DARLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

See you in another hundred years?  Well, my father, MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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