Friday, May 8, 2015

I Just Love ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This has been a Double A Week--Anniversaries and ANNA!!!!!!!!!  The two just haven't stopped coming.

                              Now, I have never met ANNA, or worked for her, but I love her, because I always suspected there was more to her than the media persona she portrays.  Though I love that, too.

                                 I always knew she had a sense of humor.  I forget what talk show I saw it demonstrated on, but it was when MERYL's film of "The Devil Wear Prada" was the hottest thing going.  The moderator asked if she had read the book, to which she drolly replied, "I haven't read it...but I am the first to enjoy a good piece f fiction!"  Funny and gracious!!!!!!!!  We should all be like this, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, ANNA was recently seen at the MET gala!  You remember; that thing I was NOT invited to?????????  Well, have you seen the video she does with Seth Myers called "Anna Wintour--Comedy Icon???????????"  I will try and find it for you, now!

                                     Here it is!  Now, if this doesn't make you love ANNA, nothing will.  You have to hand it to her!

                                     Those of you who know me, know hat a Princess I am!  No one would cast me in a servant role, I can tell you!  But, after watching this, I would gladly fetch a cup of coffee, for ANNA!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Rock on, ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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