Wednesday, May 27, 2015

If You Thought Jane Adams Was Going To Liven Up The "Poltergeist" Remake, Guess Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                When I heard that Jane Adams, one of the most hated actors in the profession, was in the remake of "Poltergeist," I had two reactions.  One was sympathy for the cast and crew who had to work with her, because Jane never repeats coworkers twice. And we all know the reason for that--her personality.

                                But if a director, who realizes he is working with Jane for just this one time, and knows it is a limited run, can last, he can guide her into a performance.  I was hoping to see a performance where she goes stark crazy--hell, just film her on set--or flying through the air, like Lili Taylor.

                                  However, the director, Gil Kenan, best known for a piece of crap called "Monster House," has no idea what he is doing, with Jane, or anyone else.  No one in this film compares to anyone in the original.

                                    If you want to see the difference, go on YouTube, and look at the trailer for the 1982 original.  Aside from Dominique's big scene--mentioned in another post--there is the scene where Jo Beth Williams, cries out in anguish, "That thing is in there, with my baby!" and again, "No! No! Don't touch my baby!"  Then she goes through the wall on a rope, and comes out with Carol Anne (the brilliant Heather O'Rourke) covered with what looks like placental jelly, in a sequence symbolizing rebirth.

                                These scenes in the trailer alone had me on the edge of my seat, in ways that the remake did not.  But, then Tobe Hooper, did the original.  The writers have truncated the story, deleting the indictment of capitalist society that helped make the original so compelling and daring.
The cast here is inferior, compared to the original, where Jo Beth Williams and Craig T. Nelson, were the parents, Dominique Dunne, Heather O'Rourke, and  Oliver Robins were the children, not to mention Beatrice Straight, in Jane's role, here called Dr, Lesh (Jane is Dr. Powell), James Karen (known then as the Shop Rite Man) as the sleazy realtor Mr. Teague, and, best of all, Zelda Rubinstein, as Tangina, who almost stole the show.

                                   I remember jumping in my seat, when the tree outside broke through the window, and went after Oliver Robins as Robbie. And how more terrifying the clowns were then, than now!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Some of these characters have been omitted, as has much of the substance the story had, leaving nothing but the audience wandering from one set piece to another, as if on a cheap spook house ride.  The latter I have found to be better.

                                   What has been done to "Poltergeist" is a crime, and it is my job to save you your money from this trash. There is better trash out there.

                                     Like "Serial Thriller--Angel Of Decay," on ID, starting June 7th!  I can't wait for that!!!!!!!!!

                                      Jo Beth, darling, where are you??????????????????/

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