Saturday, May 23, 2015

"That's A Switch From The Fags You're Usually Stuck With!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Now, darlings, why would I mention fags right after Fleet Week?  Could there be any possible connection?  Heh! Heh! Heh!  You better believe it,  hons!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Poor Neely!  She had talent; she just did not have good Gaydar!   If you go to the theater, you cannot help but have it, because every single queen who wants to have a MAN waitin' for him, uses it as his trolling ground.  In addition to being a Theater Queen!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I mean, when Patti Lu Pone was doing "Gypsy" at the St. James, why do you think the line at Intermission to the Men's Room  was longer that the one to the Ladies'???????  And how often does THAT happen, darlings????????????  When Gay Icons play, Theater Queens pay, and they finally learn what straight women go through at Intermission!!!!!!!!!!!  Tit for tat, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               How can I be stuck with fags, when I am one myself?????????  I just love Jackie Susann's sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So, when you see those sailors and their escorts trolling about this weekend, be kind!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Look upon it as a precursor to Gay Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And, yeah, I'm gonna marry one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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