Friday, June 5, 2015

Girls, This Is Truly Gay Iconic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Hard, as it may be to believe, until the other night, when we tuned it in, I had never seen the movie,"Gilda."  I had, of course, seen the famous clip, where Rita Hayworth, in the famous gown, does "Put The Blame On Mame," in the night club, but that doesn't begin to suggest what this movie is.

                                  It is an exercise in Film Noir and Forties Glamour. Yes, THE Gown is iconic, but, then there is Rita's hair, the way she tosses it, and everything else she wears. Clothes just enhance that body, darlings. Especially during that period.

                                  No to mention Rita is one hell of a dancer. If I had seen this film, when I had been a child, my parents would have had to cope with me posing and posturing, flicking my hair--what little I had--and wanting to look like Rita Hayworth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I mean, who wouldn't??????????????

                                   "Gilda" is extremely underrated when it comes to Gay Icon movies.  "Laura" turns up a lot, and is deserving, but, so, too, is "Gilda."

                                     Add this to your movie queue for Gay Pride Month!  It is perfect for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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