Friday, June 26, 2015

Here Come The Gay Brides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Heaven help me--it did!!!--it has happened in my lifetime!  And during Pride Week!  The Supreme Court has just declared gay Marriage to be constitutional, which means I have to call Vera Wang right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Could this be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?????????  It will sure bring new meaning to the phrase "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers!!!!!!!!!"  How about a musical remake, with Jake Gyllenhaal in the Howard Keel role, singing "Bless Your Beautiful Hide???????????"  Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Oh, my God, what I have ahead of me--fashions, fittings, the cover of "Modern Bride," maybe even "Vogue!!!!!!!!!!"   You just know ANNA is going to want the first gay male bride on her cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It is a bit, like the Age of Aquarius!  So, here are Ronny Dyson and the Original Company doing both the opening and "Let The Sunshine In!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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