Monday, June 29, 2015

How Was Your Gay Pride, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Ours was just fabulous!  Despite the weather, we made it into the city, where we greeted HRA Rainbow, my beloved's group, then had a luscious brunch at The Glass Tavern, which was right next door to the Brooks Atkinson Theatre, where "It Shoulda Been You" was playing.  Our friend, Judy joined us at the restaurant, and then we saw the show, a delightful confection, which I will have more to say about, later!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But how I wanted to see, live and in person, Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi!  Especially Derek!  Isn't he cute?  And aren't they just the cutest, together??????? Kissing cousins!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It was a memorable Pride, aided and abetted by the Supreme Court!  Lots of us will be walking down that aisle, in the coming year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I'll let you know, as soon as I have my fitting!

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