Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"(Silly Girl!) Shame On You, Your Mama Said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               This is the post where I address all naysayers, like Andrew Sullivan, about the Marriage Equality thing leading to the erosion of gay culture,  First, Mr. Andrew is a British Roman Catholic; what the hell is that?  Second, he is uncut, which makes his marketability limited.  I mean--GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!   It is no wonder he is so tight assed, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Let's start with a singular question. What is gay culture?  Now, culture is for everyone; we can agree on that, but "gay culture" is when something of a cultural nature, whether high or low brow, is appropriated specifically by the gay community, because it connects with them directly.  Let's face it, what straight man is going to watch "She Demons," or go to the MET and see "Norma????????"  For the latter, they will send their wives.  Back in 1970, even Sondheim touched upon this in his opening lyrics to "Company," when the men all sing, "Listen, pal, I have to work late on Thursday./Bobby boy, you know how I hate the opera!"

                                Now gay culture may not be the same now, as it was then.  When I was growing up, it was Judy and BARBRA!  Bette Midler is still at it, and so is Madonna.  LIZA--ah, LIZA--thank God for Christine Pedi!!!!!!!!!!  And, of course now, there is "Lady Gaga."  As for Musical Theater, "A Chorus Line" turned my life around;  for some it was "RENT," or God forbid, "Spring Awakening."

                                Now how, Mr. Sullivan, of the uncut penis, is this indoctrinating gays into the mainstream?  Are you telling me that because, just like heterosexuals, I get out of bed in the morning to go to work, and pour coffee, that I am now part of the mainstream???????????  Fuck you, asshole!!!!!!  Have you seen the decor of our apartment?  Do you know who inspired me to pour coffee the way I do?  Dorothy McGuire in "Gentleman's Agreement!!!!!!!" How mainstream a statement is that??????????

                                 Mr. Sullivan and his ilk are self-hating homosexuals, hiding behind their complacency, afraid it will rob them of their status and livelihood!  Keep your sanctity to yourselves, dolls, it will work no hardship on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But with the passing of the Supreme Court decision, Gays Rule!  So get used to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Like Grace Slick said, at Woodstock, "It's a new dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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