Friday, June 26, 2015

That Linda Cooney Is One Sick Loony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         But the saddest thing about Linda, darlings, is that she isn't any fun!  She is just plain ordinary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I mean, compare her to Sante Kimes, and her son, Kenny!  Now, Sante was loads of fun!  She knew what she was, and she made no bones about it!  She just made bones out of Irene Zimmerman.  And, of course, she and Kenny had a relationship that bordered on Norman Bated and his mother, only here Mom is still alive!

                            Mary Tyler Moore was a camp hoot as Sante, and Patti Lu Pone would be perfection in a musical incarnation on Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!    But Linda???????????  Plain, unadulterated trash!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Let's face it, she wasn't much better than Miriam Deering, from "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte.  Linda was one of these backwoods, backwater bitches, who used sex and high heels to crawl to the top of Palm Beach society, becoming a Florida socialite.  The fact that she succeeded says as much about Palm Beach society, as it does about Linda!  What a bunch of fools!  Hell, if I went down there, I could rule!!!!!!!!!!!   But, why would I want to live in Palm Beach??????????????

                              But things caught up with Linda fast!  She turned out to be your garden variety Black Widow!  On February 7, 1992, in the midst of a divorce from husband, James, with things not going in her favor, Linda just took out her reliable .357 Magnum, and shot James to death, stating he was attacking her.  Would you believe, at the time, son Kevin, stuck by her?   Even more, that she was acquitted?????????

                              Well, Palm Beach society does not forgive scandal, so Linda had to fight, like a cat with claws, to even maintain a foothold in that society.  Then, on June 28, 2011, Linda blew her social position entirely by shooting--with the same
  weapon, which she was so dumb not to get rid of--her son, Kevin, only she did not kill him.  She paralyzed him for life!  Nice, huh?  A mother's love!  Oh, yeah, and once more, the sick thing claims it was defense, when Kevin came at her with a knife, while they were arguing over his choice of girl friend.  Apparently, Mom did not approve.  Maybe she wanted Kevin all to herself, like Sante wanted Kenny.

                              It was the same excuse she used when hubby James went down--he attacked her!  This time, she said Kevin came at her with a knife!  The jury did not buy it this time, and so this sick thing was sentenced to prison for 41 years.  Meaning, at age 66, she will end her days in there!

                               But, wait!  The story is not yet over, because Kevin does have a bit of Kenny Kimes in him!  Both times--even after she shot and paralyzed him!!!!--he supported his mother, and continues to. which shows he has some Mommy issues of his own!

                                It is amazing how this ordinary thing from the scrap heap got this far!  She was no better than a junkyard dog, and she is going to find that out in prison.  She is also going to find out, there, that sex and high heels no longer matter!

                                  Only booze and cigs, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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