Thursday, June 25, 2015

This Week. A Truly New York Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Nothing in Frederick Young's 43 year background should have brought him more notoriety than a police interrogation lineup.  But now, Mr. Young finds himself in the enviable position of being the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                     Just what he did he do.  Well, in Bryant Park, this past Tuesday, around 11;30 AM, this sicko approaches a woman, 31, who was just finishing up an outdoor yoga class.  He carried in his hand, a machete, and he just walked up to the woman, and began swinging it at her.

                                      Fortunately, the woman, with only a gash on her right arm, was taken to Bellevue Hospital, where she was listed in stable condition. It looks like she will recover.

                                       But, I have several questions about Mr. Young, and his deed.

                                        Don't people take in their surroundings?????? I mean, how did Young transport a machete from his home, or wherever, to Bryant Park?????? And if he was walking around with such a thing plainly in sight--yes, I said IF, but let us assume he was--then why in hell doesn't somebody say something????????????????

                                          If I were riding on the subway, and saw such a thing, the first thing I would do is get off at the next stop, and call 911 or the police.  And if I had been in Bryant Park, and seen this, I would have done the same thing, on my cell phone.

                                           There is no question that Mr. Young is guilty, deserving of all charges, including distinction as Bitch Of The Week.  But those who neglected to notice him I consider just as

                                              As for outdoor yoga, do what I do, girls, and be safe. Stay in your apartment, with the air conditioner up to cool, and park your mat by the nearest plant.  Who needs the outdoors, and you will be much safer than Young's victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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