Monday, July 20, 2015

Back To The Grindstone, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Here I am, back at work, with a new sense of restfulness, and a new sense of empowerment.  I have got to get a pair of sunglasses, like ANNA's, and walk in here, like I run this place, like Anna Wintour.  Believe me, there would be big differences, if I did. The sweeping changes I would make would stun some people.

                               But the mills grind slow, so here I am, trying to settle in, at this point only announcing my intention.   Let's see, as Time goes on, how much I fulfill my promise.

                                As I fulfill my promise daily, to keep all my girls informed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I relate to ANNA's line, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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