Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Darlings, You Know There Is Something Wrong When I Agree With A Piece On FOX News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 To think that the supreme example of Christianity masquerading as evil--or is it vice versa?--the Westoboro Baptist Community Church, is centered in Topeka, Kansas!  What an insult to both L. Frank Baum and Dorothy of Oz!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I caught this segment from FOX on YouTube, and even the right wing journalists are disgusted.  I happen to agree this group's protesting and carrying on at military funerals is  outrageous!  I would extend that to any funeral!!!!!!!!!!   I hope at one of these, the corpse arises, gets out of the coffin, and smacks those members across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Never did I expect to see the day when I would agree with anything on FOX News.  Just watch this interview with member Shirley Phelps.  The reporter is so outraged, I think even he is going to lose it! And I do not blame him!

                                    These people are evil!  They claim to be a "family based business," but let me tell you something, they are the anti-Von Trapps!!!!!!!!!  If this family ever put on a community theater production of "The Sound Of Music," it would be the first time in the history of the show that the audience cheered for the Nazis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It just goes to show even FOX has its limits, and there ARE some it WILL NOT hire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Go back to Kansas, Shirl, and stay there!

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