Friday, July 31, 2015

Dr. Walter Palmer's Head Should Be Severed, And Mounted On A Wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I am sorry, girls, but you know I loathe dentists.  They cause you physical and financial pain, but Dr Walter. Palmer goes beyond any dentist I have dealt with!  And he is about to lose his client base, now!  And he deserves to!!!!!!!!!!

                               What kind of sick bastard is he?  That he hunts is reason enough to question him--hunting, killing animals, guns; there is a whole plethora of issues, right there!

                                  Basically, on a hunting permitted site in Zimbabwe, this sadist went after, and killed a beloved lion there, named Cecil.  From what I have gathered.  The site was the Hwange National Park, in Matabeleland in North Zimbabwe.  Apparently, Palmer did not care this was a protected site, or, one of the guides made an error, which should be looked into a a cover up, and Palmer shot an arrow, wounding Cecil seriously, but who did not succumb till two days later, after much suffering.

                                  The shooting took place on July 1, and now Dr. Palmer, who is from Minnesota, is blaming the incident on the guides, as he thought everything was above board.  Meanwhile, a patient is now coming forward to accuse him of sexual harassment!  You reap what you sow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It sounds like Dr. Palmer is a real sleaze, who was due for a good slap in the face for a  long time.  Well, now he is going to get it!  But why did Cecil have to die??????????

                                    I say public performances, concerts, plays; even Broadway shows dedicating one performance to Cecil, should be done!!!!!!!!!!  Get all the animal rights activists on this guy!  Come on, 'Tippi'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The Lion is King of the Beasts, and Cecil was the King attraction at the park.  He was much loved, and deserved far better than this!  Animal killers, beware my wrath!  Dr. Palmer, you have only a glimmer of an idea of what you are about to face!  And deservedly so!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Rest In Peace, Cecil!!!!!!!!!!!   May you get a better deal in Heaven (yes, animals DO have souls!!!!!!!) than you got on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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