Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Farewell To One Of America's Great Writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Great writers sometimes are, but not always, great humanitarians.  This was true of E.L. Doctorow, who had a reputation, based on people I knew who had met him, of being curmudgeonly, homophobic, and egotistical.  In nowhere of his tremendous body of work--much of which I have read--is there even a minor character who is gay, or lesbian. What does that say about a writer who is being acclaimed for having fictionally recounted, with no intention on his part, the last 150 years of life in America?

                              It doesn't say much, but to dwell on this would deny his deserved status as a great writer.  I have read ten of his books;  some were better or worse than others. But two of them, "The Book Of Daniel" (1971) and "Ragtime" (1975) remain two of my all-time favorites.  "Ragtime," which has been adapted as a film and a Broadway musical, is undeniably, Doctorow's masterpiece.  Had he only written this, it would have consolidated the same amount of status and acclaim as does all his work together.

                              He died yesterday, at the age of 84. Considering how much he had written, and the span of time over which he had done so, I thought he would have been older.

                               For omnivorous readers, such as I, it is going to seem strange, knowing there will be no more Doctorow novels.  One could always count on one every several years.

                                 Now, he will have to go on and chronicle his experiences and observations in the Great Beyond.  Think of all the characters who could appear in THAT magnum opus.

                                  But can galley proofs be sent from Heaven???????????????????????

                                   Rest In Peace, Mr. Doctorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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